Real Estate and Property

Marketing, Promotion, Progress

The real estate market has changed rapidly and has become tremendously competitive. The way projects are presented to the prospective buyers has changed permanently.

The photographers who capture the images of the finished built form are becoming as responsible as the architects who design the buildings in the presentation.

In comparison to the pictures shot from the ground, the aerial shots which show the building/s along with the surroundings, urban setting/s and/or the landscape are proving to be more effective in creating a lasting impression on the prospective buyer’s mind.
The promotional videos that are shot from the sky showing a 360 degree view presents the buyer, who may be in a different city altogether, with information that may prove decisive and helps him to make a quick and informed decision.

The way the building/s that have been built in terms of integration with the landscape and its blend with the surroundings, quality and professionalism can be captured in the site progress through time-lapse videos. It also imbibes the quality-conscious image of the constructor/developers on the prospective buyer’s mind, especially in the luxury and ultra-luxury segment.

Construction inspection, Security and Vigilance

In the modern era, activities pertaining to construction, whether actual construction or supportive activities, go on 24/. Cranes, movers, winches, hoists, gantries and heavy vehicles moving around the site is a routine scenario.

The ability to look at all this from above, from the air as well as through the well-integrated CCTV cameras is a great tool to keep a record of the construction activities on a large site keeping in mind the adherence to safety standards, of the equipment as well as the personnel.

It helps plan and synchronize various activities through a central inspection, command and control center and the pictures as well as the video footage also comes in handy to ascertain the liabilities,

witness documents as well as damage claims in case of any untoward incident. This will document the lapses in black and white and thus create a system whereby responsibility can be pinpointed. This will further bypass legal hassles, saving precious time, money, energy and thus open up opportunities.

This tool is a great breakthrough that can monitor and prevent any undue activities, life risks as well as theft of materials. Once the drones start flying and recording every nook and corner of the vast site, it automatically starts acting as a deterrent to such activities, proving it to be a very useful and proactive initiative.