Real Estate and Property
The real estate market has changed rapidly and has become tremendously competitive. The way projects are presented to the prospective buyers has changed permanently.
The aerial shots which presents the overall Architectural Design character along with the surroundings, urban setting and/or the Landscape Design are proving to be more effective in crafting a lasting impression on the mind of the prospective buyer.
The videos showing a 360 degree view offers an unparalleled tool to the buyer from in a different city or country altogether, that him to make a quick and informed decision.
The whole process of construction can be captured through time-lapse videos, which not only shows the progress but also the professional approach of the developer.
It portrays the Real Estate Developer’s approach and seriousness towards their work which proves to be decisive, especially in the luxury and ultra-luxury Real Estate segment.

In the modern era, the activities pertaining to construction, both active and passive, go on working 24/7.
Cranes, earth-movers, winches, hoists, gantries and heavy vehicles moving around the site is a routine scenario.
To keep a record of the construction activities on a large site is an important task, especially to comply with the safety codes.
It helps plan and synchronize various activities through a central inspection, command and control center and the visual archive is very crucial in determining the liabilities as well as damage claims in case of any untoward incident.
This tool is a great breakthrough that can help the developer monitor and prevent any undue activities, human life safety and thefts.